Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Inktober Retrospective Continues: 2020, Part One

Heyyy, about time, isn't it? Sorry, I've been super busy with the Big Ol' Bucket o' Useful blog, and I only have so much productivity in me. But today, I'm feeling ornery enough to post in both places, so yay! 

First of all, you were promised a finished version of the Dragon pic in my last article (here: ), which featured only a WIP (work in progress) picture of it. Here he is, in all his beastly glory! (Click on any photo to see it larger)

All right, that gets Inktober 2019 out of the way. I'm a bit behind, so without further ado, let's get on with Inktober 2020!

Day 1 “Fish” - This may remind readers “of a certain age” of Mr. Limpet, although I didn't really do the pic with him in mind. He certainly wasn't a Siamese fighting fish (not that this guy is, exactly – bettas don't have barbels); one presumes he was a limpet, after all. Also I don't believe he ever had a pipe. But don't worry—it's just a bubble pipe!

Day 2 “Wisp” - like most of these clever prompts, a "wisp" can be different things: a wisp of hair, a wisp of usual, I did a deeper dive on the prompt, because it made me think of Will o' the wisp, which—hey--is actually where the jack o'lantern started. And, hey again, it's also related to the Japanese firefox, and, hey thirdly, the Brazilian fire serpent! So yeah, that's where all this came from. Makes a neat picture, I think.

Day 3 “Bulky” - I couldn't resist. If your mom ever bundled you up so tight in a snowsuit that you could barely move, you will understand this feeling. It was well-portrayed by Ralphie's little brother in the movie A Christmas Story.

Day 4 “Radio” - This is a pretty straightforward illustration of the concept, because I'm sentimental about it. It reminded me of my dad, who was born in the 20s and grew up listening to Big Band music and radio plays like The Shadow on a set that might have looked a good bit like this one (I used a photo of a vintage GE radio for reference). Yes, it is possible to have nostalgia for a time before you were even alive.

Stay tuned for more 2020 fun! 

Here are the prior Inktober posts, if you missed anything:

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