Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Inktober 2020 is Under Way!

Well under way. As a matter of fact, seeing as how it's October 28th, the dang thing is almost over! However, since technically it's still October, I'm doing a bit better than my last post about it, which was in December. Read it. It's fun!

Actually, that was my last ACTUAL post on this entire blog. In DECEMBER. Oof. 

All I can say is - I did tell you I was lazy. Also pandemic, yadda yadda. The pandemic has kept me from meeting in person with the art group; however, since we also belong to a Facebook group, everyone is sharing their Inktober work, and that spurs me on. I have been participating this year, and will probably continue after the month is over, because you know I won't finish on time. I am already hilariously behind, but that's cool - it's a good excuse for me to not participate in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, for the uninitiated) for the "however long it's been in existence"th year. 

But wait - in my last post, I shared some of my work from Inktobers past, and I shared the prompts for Inktober 2019, should you be interested. But I hadn't yet shared the drawings I did for Inktober 2019. So, um, time to do that now, clearly. I'll get to 2020 when I get to it, okay? Who knows, that might even be before Inktober 2021. One can hope, anyway. 

Day 1 - Ring

One of the reasons I like the Inktober prompts is that they are often open-ended, which leads to a lot of creative possibilities. Think of all the different kinds of rings - the kind you wear on your finger, the kind you leave in the tub, a "faerie ring" in the forest, that creepy movie where the little girl crawled out of the TV. There's also the verb form of ring, which reminds me of telephones, church bells, school bells, alarms. You can make conceptual associations, such as "let freedom ring" or "for whom does the bell toll", or even draw the ill-fated Challenger shuttle, downed by a failure of one of the o-rings. I went the predictable route with this one: an engagement ring. But perhaps not the predictable response...

Day 2 - Mindless

It's creepy-looking, I guess. Just a commentary on how everyone is so into what's on their phones that they are often unaware what's happening around them in the real world. Also a bit of social commentary that has been especially on my mind the last few years, about how people are so easily swayed by what they see presented as "facts" online that critical thinking seems to be going very much by the wayside, leaving us without a mind of our own, or so set in our own beliefs that we tune out opposing (or even different) points of view and join those who only want to hear those same views in a "hive mind".

Day 3 - Bait

I follow politics, but it's rare for me to make what might be considered a "political cartoon". I have pretty strong feelings about how funding from NRA lobbyists have allowed our gun culture to run rampant and cause so much heartache. The vast majority of Americans, including gun owners, want reasonable regulation on guns, such as comprehensive background checks. But money talks, right? As our nefarious lobbyist says, "best bait ever."

Day 4 - Freeze

Continuing my streak of bad actors, here's Mr. Freeze from DC's Batman comic book and movie franchise. Chillin' like a villain! 

Day 5 - Build (pictured above)

Okay, here's a funny one, because I can't draw incisive and depressing political cartoons every day (or really, draw anything every day). I think we've all seen those houses whose owners obviously had more time and money than sense, or places with a rather odd mix of architectural styles. I figure, why not ALL of them? How many different kinds do you see? 

One more thing I will add about this year's Inktober is the ist of prompts, in case you would like to get started while it's still actually going. And if you start late, hey - you're in good company! 

Inktober 2020 Prompts:
1. fish
2. wisp
3. bulky
4. radio 
5. blade
6. rodent
7. fancy
8. teeth
9. throw
10. hope
11. disgusting
12. slippery
13. dune
14. armor
15. outpost
16. rocket
17. storm
18. trap
19 dizzy
20. coral
21. sleep
22. chef
23. rip
24. dig
25. buddy
26. hide
27. music
28. float
29. shoes
30. ominous
31.  crawl

Thanks for reading! I will share more, hopefully soon! 

Yay, here is the next installment:

All images original art by the author. Use of "Mr. Freeze" character trademarked by DC Comics is not intended to infringe. The NRA can kiss my wazoo. 

For regular shenanigans, please follow my Facebook page,